The currency unit in Malawi is the kwacha (MK) and is made of 100 tambala.
Prices are often quoted in US dollars, however, carrying foreign currency cash is not recommended. Payment of foreign currency is allowed via bank transfers only. As with The Leslie, businesses are not allowed to accept foreign currency cash in any currency.
Visa has become common in most tourist spots incl restaurants. If you are wanting to visit markets and smaller more rural areas, local currency cash is recommended. Local currency can be obtained at the ATMs and bureau de change at the airports.
Local Network is Airtel and TNM. Sim cards are available at local Airtel and TNM shops in larger towns and cities. Airtime however can be found everywhere as locals sell airtime on the side of the road. Chances are if you see a person sitting at a small table with an umbrella, they’re probably selling airtime. We do sell airtime at The Leslie for convenience.